Item List
Newsletter Archive

1. VIBE Holiday Newsletter 2023
We are sharing VIBE's intent to help catalyze urgent action for climate solutions. Never before has there been a greater need for action to help stabilize Earth’s climate than the present. Scientists report that in order to limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, the next seven years will be critical. We invite you to give generously to fuel impactful action and meaningful change. All donations to VIBE will be triple-matched through December 31, 2023 ($50,000 maximum).

6. VIBE newsletter - Spring 2022
This year as always, VIBE continues to share the message of Verdani Institutefor the Built Environment (VIBE) to help catalyze action for climatesolutions. Never before has there been a greater need for action to stabilizeEarth’s climate as the present - scientists report that in order to limittemperature rise to 1.5 degrees, the next 10 years will be critical, so the time toact is now.

10. VIBE Newsletter - Holidays 2020
We established the nonprofit Verdani Institute for the Built Environment
(VIBE)to channel our vast expertise in sustainable development into impactful projects designed to fulfill a bold mission: to position the global building sector as a powerful force for sustainable development, and climate change mitigation.